We all face challenges, but...
What if the challenge renders you completely paralyzed from the neck down at 47 years old?
Where Science Meets Spirit is an extraordinary memoir of unconventional approaches to life and paralysis. It explores scientific truths about resilience, energy, and embodiment and knowledge about our collective power from the limitless Life-force Energy we are all made from.
Written as a memoir in a style that offers both colourful lived experience and reflective insights and teachings, Where Science Meets Spirit weaves the reader through a labyrinth of woe, fascinating revelations, groundbreaking science, poignant trials, ancient wisdom, personal triumphs, and spiritual truths.
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Trauma
Mary-Jo’s memoir follows the fascinating, unfolding journey of this engaging woman as she defies the odds, baffling adversity while she uncovers and discovers more than you could have imagined.
It’s an often unbelievable story of resilience, courage, and hard-won insight that reveals for us ancient wisdom and quantum truth of healing — and what we don’t use in an advanced medical system — and that keeps Mary-Jo Fetterly continually beating all the odds.
Available now at Amazon, Kindle, Apple Books, Friesen and major book sellers.

"'Where Science Meets Spirit: The Autobiography of a Paralyzed Yogi' is a potent, poignant and powerful reminder of what is possible when our aspiration meets a dedication to something significant. Only a truly gifted teacher and guide — who has chosen to fully embody the extraordinary potential of yoga — could have given this book to the world. Mary-Jo is one of my heroes. Well before you have finished it, I am sure she will be one of yours.”

"Mary-Jo Fetterly has an indomitable spirit not dimmed by her physical paralysis. Believing that health is a relationship between how you live, think and feel, Mary-Jo chooses to accept the challenges life gives her as gifts, and transforms the tragedy of her spinal cord injury into purpose and meaning. Her story is a lesson in healing for us all."

"Mary-Jo’s confidence in her own body and spirit, as well as her years of yoga practice, has led her to startling achievements way beyond the prognosis [predictions] for her diagnosis. You will be as inspired by her story as I am. Go, Mary-Jo!"

“I’ve had the honour of knowing Mary-Jo both before and after her accident; she is an example of yoga embodied. Her inspirational story will blow your mind and warm your heart.”

“Mary-Jo is an inspiration. Her story is a journey of meeting unimaginable challenges with strength and curiosity. She defies 'normal' through physical enquiry, mental reflection and hard work. She teaches us, through authenticity and integrity. It is a privilege to know and work with Mary-Jo; I have learned so much.”